How many LEVs are there in the Netherlands?


It is unknown how many LEVs there are in the Netherlands. This is partly because LEVs do not (yet) have a registration number and do not need to be registered. In addition, this vehicle category is not separately included in the mobility data (as collected by Statistics Netherlands). Market research by Mulitscope (summer of 2021)[i] showed 3% of Dutch people to own an LEV. Of these LEVs, 47% were electric scooters. This comes down to 167.000 electric scooters. How many of these are actually (illegally) used on public roads is unknown. According to the manufacturer, 3000 Stints (electric child carts) were in use in 2018 (the new version of the Stint is the BSO-bus) [7].

Part of fact sheet

Light electric vehicles (LEVs)

A light electric vehicle (LEV) is a light, electrically powered vehicle to travel relatively short distances. Most electric vehicles cannot be used Meer

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