Electric scooters (e-scooters) ; assessing the threat to public health and safety.

Comer, A.R. Apathy, N. Waite, C. Bestmann, Z. Bradshaw, J. Burchfield, E. Harmon, B. Legg, R. Meyer, S. O'Brien, P. Sabec, M. Sayeed, J. Weaver, A. D'Cruz, L. Bartlett, S. Marchand, M. Zepeda, I. Endri, K. Finnell, J.T. Grannis, S. Silverman, R.D. & Embi, P.J.

Objective of this study was to determine self-reported incidences of health and safety hazards among persons who ride rentable electric scooters (e-scooters), knowledge of e-scooter laws, and attitudes and perceptions of the health and safety of e-scooter usage. A cross-sectional survey of n= 561 e-scooter riders and non-riders was conducted during June of 2019. Results of the study show that almost half of respondents (44%) report that e-scooters pose a threat to the health and safety of riders. Riders and non-riders disagree regarding the hazards that e-scooters pose to pedestrians. Among riders, 15% report crashing or falling off an e-scooter. Only 2.5% of e-scooter riders self-report that they always wear a helmet while riding. E-scooter riders report substantial rates of harmful behavior and injuries. Knowledge of e-scooter laws is limited, and e-scooters introduce threats to the health and safety of riders, pedestrians on sidewalks, and automobile drivers. Enhanced public health interventions are needed to educate about potential health risks and laws associated with e-scooter use and to ensure health in all policies. Additionally, greater consideration should be given to public health, safety, and injury prevention when passing relevant state and local e-scooter laws. (Author/publisher)


20210608 ST [electronic version only]

Chronicles of Health Impact Assessment, Vol. 5 (2020), No. 1 (October), p. 34-44, ref.

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