Letselongevallen van voetgangers en fietsers : een verrassend beeld !

Methorst, R. Essen, M. van Ormel, W. & Schepers, P.

In the Dutch Mobility Policy Document and the Strategic Plan Road Safety 2008-2020, one of the priorities concerns safe mobility of pedestrians and bicyclists. With regard to pedestrians the usual definition in terms of passenger kilometres is not really functional. That is why for this study a definition is chosen that reflects that mobility is basic for the functioning of citizens and that the freedom to choose to travel and sojourn in public space are particularly important. The common definition of traffic accidents also falls short: single pedestrian accidents are not covered in this definition, because there is no moving vehicle involved. Consequently these accidents will not be paid proper attention to in road safety research and policy development, although the managers of public space (government) do have policy responsibility. This study therefore pictures an image of all travel accident in public space, including accidents without involvement of moving vehicles. (Author/publisher)

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20110406 ST [electronic version only]

[Delft], Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Dienst Verkeer en Scheepvaart DVS, 2010, 127 p., 30 ref.

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