Final report. EU Coaching Project High impact approach for Enhancing Road safety through More Effective communication Skills HERMES.


The EU High impact approach for Enhancing Road safety through More Effective communication Skills HERMES project began in March 2007 and was finish in February 2010. It’s main aim is to create a short 3-5 day training course for driving instructors to allow them to develop their ‘coaching’ skills. In addition, a number of coaching scenarios have been developed to enable instructors to coach in on-road training, track training and the classroom, and to meet a wide range of goals in the driver education process. (Author/publisher)

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20100441 ST [electronic version only]

[Brussels], European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport (TREN), 2010, 102 p., 11 ref.; Project No. TREN-E3-07-S-ST-S07.68721-HERMES

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