Cohort II - A study of learner and new drivers. Volume 2: questionnaires and data tables.

Wells, P. Tong, S. Sexton, B. Grayson, G. & Jones, E.

This major six year study provides an up-to-date picture of how cohorts of learner drivers in Great Britain undertake driver training and testing, and of their subsequent experience as new drivers. It builds upon and further develops the evidence from an earlier, smaller study. The aims were toinvestigate how people learn to drive, including the number of hours of tuition and practice and to compare this to outcomes from the theory and practical driving tests; to assess the impact of changes to the testing regime, specifically the hazard perception test, introduced during the period of the study; to explore new drivers' experiences and attitudes; and to identify their level of accident involvement over time. The findings are reported in Volume 1 of the paper, and include the methodology; discussion onthe driver samples including questionnaire response rates; information obtained on learning to drive, including preparation for both tests; factorsrelating to passing the practical test; new drivers' early experience; attitudes and how they change with driving experience; analyses of new drivers' accidents; and impacts of the hazard perception element in the theory test. Volume 2 explains the statistical perspectives and provides appendices of the questionnaires and data tables.

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C 42583 [electronic version only] /10 / ITRD E138721

London, Department for Transport (DfT), 2008, 118 p., 1 ref.; Road Safety Research Report ; No. 81, Volume 2 - ISSN 1468-9138 / ISBN 978-1-904763-83-9

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