Priorities for EU motor vehicle safety design.


This review highlights the enormous potential which still exists in the EU to reduce the frequency and severity of road casualties by improvements to motor vehicles. The frontal and side impact Directives and consumer information from the European New Car Assessment Programme (EuroNCAP) have led to the most rapid developments in car occupant protection that Europe has experienced but a great deal more can be achieved. Much of the research and development activity necessary for improvements in other areas of vehicle safety has been completed and now requires the political will to bring about its adoption in legislation. Vehicle engineering improvements for safety can either be achieved by modifying the vehicle to help the driver avoid accidents, or by modifying the vehicle to provide protection against injury in the event of a crash. A recent study in one EU Member State reviewed the effectiveness of casualty reduction measures nationally since 1980 and demonstrated that the greatest reduction was from vehicle crash protection (15 per cent) followed by drink/drive measures (11 per cent) and road safety engineering measures (6.5 per cent). For pedestrians and cyclists hit by the front of the car, although significant improvements are possible, little has yet been done.

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C 18569 [electronic version only] /81 /85 /91 / ITRD E109683

Brussels, European Transport Safety Council ETSC, 2001, 64 p., 62 ref. - ISBN 90-76024-12-X

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