The wind tunnel development of a low drag, partially streamlined motorcycle.

Cooper, K.R.

A series of tests were performed in the National Aeronautical Establishment's 6ft. x 9 ft. working section wind tunnel on full-sized motorcycles with riders for CAN-AM Motorcycles, a division of Bombardier Ltd. The tests were primarily concerned with reducing aerodynamic drag, although all six components of aerodynamic force and moment were recorded. Careful blending of the fairing and the rider in conjunction with fairings on the front wheel forks and disc fairings over the spoked wheels lowered the drag coefficient, based on frontal area, to C = 0.27 as compared to C = 0.61 measured on the previous machine. Two world speed records were subsequently set by the motorcycle at the Bonneville Salt Flats.

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B 16475 / 91 /

Quarterly Bulletin of the DME/NAE, 1973, No. 4, p. 5-26, fig., tab., ref.; Report No. DME/NAE 1973 (4)

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