Westmount Road Traffic Calming Project.

Dozzi, B.A.

The Westmount Road Traffic Calming Project is an example of a neighborhood, local government, a crown corporation (ICBC) and private industry (Westmount Chevron) working collaboratively in partnership to address an issue important to all - improving road safety. Westmount Road is a collector road as well as home to forty-five West Vancouver residents. Westmount Road is also one of West Vancouver's top five roads for speeding - speeds greater that 140KPH have been measured - and has a history of severe crashes including two fatalities involving children. For those reasons and a strong desire by residents to enhance the livability of their neighborhood, the four previously mentioned organizations combined their local knowledge, technical and financial resources to develop and construct a traffic calming scheme intended to slow (not impede) vehicular traffic. This project was nominated for the TAC 2009 Road Safety Engineering Award. For the covering abstract of this conference see ITRD number E220308.

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C 50452 (In: C 50339 [electronic version only]) /73 / ITRD E220422

In: Adjusting to new realities : proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC), held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, from September 26 to 29, 2010, 1 p.

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