Special Prevention and Rescue Plan for Emergency Situations.

Linder, T.

Autobahns handle a majority of the traffic volume in Germany. Unhindered travelling is expected 24 hours a day even in wintry conditions. Thus, winter road clearance services employ all operation, communication, construction and traffic-related opportunities to maintain performance of the routes, avoid traffic collapse and - in case of traffic standstills - make surethat traffic will quickly resume its flow. Autobahn maintenance authorities work 24 hours a day in shifts. Due to road condition information and weather forecasting systems they are able to deice preventively and plan their missions early. Due to their own inspection tours they shorten turn-around times. Still, traffic jams that keep travellers stuck for hours cannotalways be excluded in case of extreme weather conditions with heavy snowfall. Precaution must be taken for these cases, too. Special plans to prevent and cope with long-lasting traffic jams on Federal German Autobahns, especially in winter, warrant for coordination between road construction authorities, police, government, district administrations and rescue services. These plans consist of two service levels, which both cover prevention and actual incidences. Coordinated measures are initiated at an early pointin time in order to avoid traffic collapse. In cases where a traffic collapse cannot be avoided, its implications need to be contained by well-coordinated and harmonised mission processes. The centrepiece of the plan is the annual winter maintenance meetings. Instructions for action clearly defined during these meetings offer the opportunity of coordination and target-directed action in case of traffic jams. The underlying concept providesfor various procedures covering detours, road closures, upfront information on the required teams, people and authorities, as well as planning of care and procurement services on the Autobahn ahead of time and plans to clear the Autobahn from vehicles caught in tailbacks. In winter, the opportunity to take action quickly and in a target-directed manner both upfront and in the event of a traffic collapse is explicitly in the interest of allroad users. For the covering abstract see ITRD E143097.

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C 50157 (In: C 50149 CD-ROM) /62 /73 / ITRD E143107

In: Proceedings of the XIIth International Winter Road Congress held in Torino-Sestriere (Italy), March 2006, Pp.

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