The role of carbohydrate deficient transferrin as an alternative to gamma glutamyl transferase as a biomarker of continuous drinking : a literature review.

Wolff, K. Walsham, N. Gross, S. Marshall, E.J. Keaney, F. & Sherwood, R.

This report sought to explore the evidence base for the commonly used biomarkers of alcohol use in some areas of Europe, where the biomarkers of alcohol intake are considered to be an unbiased external yardstick and form an important part of the decision-making process for regranting of driving licences. Harmful and dependent drinking has been particularly linked to hazardous driving, with significantly increased risk of involvement in road traffic accidents. (Author/publisher) This report may be accessed by Internet users at

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20100105 ST [electronic version only]

London, Department for Transport (DfT), 2010, 34 p., 138 ref.; Road Safety Research Report ; No. 103 - ISSN 1468-9138 / ISBN 978-1848-64-000-9

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