Reassessing bicycle helmet impact protection.

Mills, N.J. & Gilchrist, A.

Criticisms of bicycle helmet design are reviewed, and changes in the design since the 1990's explored. Finite Element Analysis is used to model the impact of a generic helmet on flat and kerbstone anvils. The performance of current helmets was investigated using oblique impacts, in which the liner and rotational acceleration of a headform, fitted with a compliant scalp and a wig, were measured. Most of the design criticisms are shown to be invalid. The peak values of rotational acceleration were of the order of 5 krad s-2. However the coverage of the side of the head is not optimal. For the covering abstract see E135170.

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C 41850 (In: C 41848 CD-ROM) /84 / ITRD E135172

In: Proceedings of the 2003 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Lisbon (Portugal), September 24-25, 2003, Session 1 - Head Biomechanics And Injury Protection, 12 p., 28 ref.

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