Pedestrian injury accidents.

Working Group of the European Experimental Vehicle Committee EEVC/CEVE (J.J.W. Huijbers e.a),
The European Experimental Vehicle Committee set up a working group to examine how car design could take into consideration pedestrian accidents in European countries. This report, prepared by the group, deals with pedestrian accidents statistics and description, injury mechanisms and human tolerances, improvement of vehicle design, test and assessment methods. It states some priorities for action and recommends a number of topics for further research.

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Verschenen in
Ninth International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles held at Kyoto, Japan, November 1-4, 1982.
Stad congres
Kyoto, Japan
Datum congres
1-4 November 1982
Gepubliceerd door
U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, Washington, D.C.


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