Occular-orbital injuries in automobile accidents.

Garrett, J.W.

Occular or orbital injuries occurred among 7,3% if the total occupants in injury-producing accidents. The frequency of ocular or orbital injuries was nearly twice as great for front seat occupants as for rear seat occupants. Severs lacerations or disfigurements comprised 15,2% of all ocular-orbital injuries. When ocular injuries occurred, about 38% resulted in loss or impairment or possible loss or impairment, of vision. Among 22 fatalities with serious ocular injury, 21 suffered a fatal lesion to the head and in 17 of these cases ocular injury was related to the fatal head injury.

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A 7905 fo

ACIR (Automotive Crash Injury Research) Bulletin, 1963, No. 4 (March), 4 p.

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