Mobiliteitsverkenner 5.0R5.

Eijkelenbergh, P.L.C. Droppert-Zilver, M.N. Korver, W. & Meeuwissen, A.M.H.

This report presents the new version of the Mobility Explorer (version 5.0). The mobility Explorer is a strategic, medium term (2 till 15 years) transport forecasting model that can be used on a national and a regional scale in the Netherlands. It is a so-called quick response and can be bought by other organisations. The user communicates with the model by using a dedicated interface. In total twelve main influencing factors have been distinguished which are understood to determine mobility developments in the Netherlands. These factors are: demography (including the number of students using the student public transport pass), car ownership, employment, national income, private incomes, variable car costs (including Road Pricing, fuel taxes and direct km fee), the lenght of the motorway network, average journey time development for both car and public transport, public transport fares, fiscal policy (company cars, home-to-work travel, etc.) and fixed car taxes (purchase tax, road tax, etc.). For passenger transport the output is the average daily transport demand of the total Dutch population for the following modes: car driver, car passenger, train, rural transport, urban transport and slow transport. An additional feature is to make selections for trip purpose, working and non-working day, peak and non-peak hours and the average traffic volumes per road type. For freight transport the output is limited to the average yearly volume of ton kilometres on the Dutch road network. In version 5.0 a new user interface has been developed and the base year is updated towards 1997. A main innovation is that it is now possible to evaluate mobility developments and transport policy on its impact on financial expenditures and income for the central government. (Author/publisher)

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20030086 ST [electronic version only]

Delft, TNO Instituut voor Verkeer en Vervoer, Logistiek en Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling Inro, 2003, X + 51 p.; TNO Inro rapport 2002-77 / 02 7N 245 73231 - ISBN 90-6743-979-7

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