Italian motorway system : experiences with in situ tests and inclinometer surveys for urgent remedial works.

Collotta, T. Cantoni, R. & Moretti, P.C.

This paper deals with the philosophy adopted by the company Autostrade SpA for the maintenance of a motorway network about 2700 km long. A case study of a slope failure is presented to illustrate the application of this philosophy. In particular, a possible misjudgment in the design of remedial works performed only on the basis of quick in situ tests is reported. Because of the importance of inclinometer surveys in dealing with slope failures, some useful observations about processing criteria for inclinometer data are presented. The procedures adopted to avoid or, when possible, to overcome instrumentation errors are also discussed.

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C 24947 (In: C 24941 S) /24 /42 /22 / IRRD 834594

In: In situ testing of soil properties for transportation, Transportation Research Record TRR 1235, p. 55-59, 2 ref.

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