Integrated Vehicle Data Communication System.

Ferland, L.

The goal of the Ministere des Transports du Quebec is to ensure the movement of people and goods throughout its territory by maintaining a safe andefficient transportation system. In order to fulfill its role effectively, the Ministry must ensure that it knows the condition of its road networkin real time, so that it is managing appropriately the teams carrying outmaintenance, and that it can respond quickly to any emergency. To carry out its mission, the Direction de l'Estrie has developed a state-of-the-artvehicle communication system combining technology and human know-how which allows it to handle Quebec winters more effectively. It has therefore established an Integrated Monitoring Center supplied with precision equipment describing weather and road conditions together with a monitoring service for the network which is in continuous operation. The Centre will thus be able to use intervention strategies that will optimize snow and ice removal. To ensure the success of the project, the Direction de l'Estrie has integrated its precision tools, especially the on-board computers equipped with GPS and software with specific applications installed in patrol vehicles and spreading trucks, as well as communication systems which receive data off-line (short-range WI-FI antennas) and in real time (cellular technology). This information is supported by a WEB service that allows data tobe visualized using cartographic and geomatic techniques. By encouraging the sharing of research information, the pilot project and the technology now being implemented have also promoted the exploration of new ways of improving the performance of this organization in its management of the roadnetwork as well as heralding a promising future for these technologies inthe marketplace. For the covering abstract see ITRD E143097.

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C 50207 (In: C 50149 CD-ROM) /61 /62 / ITRD E143233

In: Proceedings of the XIIth International Winter Road Congress held in Torino-Sestriere (Italy), March 2006, Pp.

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