Full ABS with tandem control for freightliner trucks.

Ehlbeck, J.M. Moore, T. & Lindemann, K.

Since the introduction of the Freightliner/Wabco individual wheel control ABS in 1987, both Freightliner and Wabco have continued their efforts to develop a simplified and highly cost effective ABS for use on Freightliner vehicles. This ongoing development effort has led to the 4-channel Freightliner/Wabco Tandem Control ABS. This new Freightliner/Wabco Tandem Control ABS was introduced in 1989 as an alternative to the original Freightliner/Wabco 6-channel individual wheel control ABS for use on typical 3 axle, on highway, tractors and trucks. This paper describes the advantages and the differences between the Freightliner/Wabco 6-channel individual wheel control and the Freightliner/Wabco 4-channel Tandem Control ABS when installed on 3 axle Freightliner vehicles. (A)

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C 24008 (In: C 24003) /91 / IRRD 860583

In: Vehicle dynamics : related to braking and steering : papers presented at the Truck and Bus Meeting and Exposition, Charlotte, North Carolina, November 6-9, 1989, SAE Technical Paper 892503, p. 59-65

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