Forensic aspects of driver perception and response.

Olson, P.L.

Many accident cases come down to questions of what a driver could have or should have seen and/or how long it would take a driver to respond in an emergency situation. This book pulls together the available information on both these important subjects and presents it in a format useful to the reader who either wants to become generally informed or desires an answer to a specific question. This book has two sections: The first, dealing with driver perception, consists of seven chapters covering the general principles of vision and perception, visibility with motor vehicle headlamps, visibility with streetlighting, night photography, and methods of evaluation. The second section, dealing with driver perception response time, consists of two chapters covering basic perception-response situations and those with complicating factors. (Author/publisher)

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C 45546 /80 /

Tucson, AZ, Lawyers & Judges, 1996, VII + 213 p., 124 ref. - ISBN 0-913875-22-8

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