Ferngesteuerte Verkehrszeichen zur Beeinflussung des Autobahnverkehrs.

Lapierre, R.

The mathematical correlations between traffic density, traffic concentration and average speed are described. The signalization can assure an optimal traffic flow. On a test track of 30 km motorway was used a study of speed limits, traffic signals which could be coped, and changeable traffic signals steered by remote control for the improvement of the traffic flow. The results are presented and a description of the equipment is given.

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6 + 7 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 7876 (In: B 7871) /73/ IRRD 57851

In: Neuzeitliche Wege der Automatisierung des Strassenverkehrs : Tagung vom 12. November 1970, Haus der Technik-Vortragsveröffentlichungen Heft 246, 1971, p. 66-76, 1 fig., 3 graph., 7 ref.

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