Evaluation of high-speed films for measuring decelerations in experimental collisions. Paper presented to the Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineer's Seminar in Depth and Equipment Demonstration

Optical Instrumentation, A problem solving tool in automotive safety engineering and biomechanics, Dearborn, Michigan, November 20-21, 1972.
Botma, H.

High-speed filming of collisions of vehicles with e.g. obstacles can be used to yield quantitative information. To get the deceleration history of the vehicle the series of positions read from the film should be different tinted twice. As the positions are corrupted with noise, the differentiating should be done carefully in order to get a reliable signal. The paper deals with how this can be arranged and gives the properties of the method. One important parameter of the problem is the standard deviation of the error in the positions. A rule of thumb, employable for quantative filming in general, is presented to estimate this parameter.


901395 ST [electronic version only]

Voorburg, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, 1972, 12 p.; R-72-5


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