European road statistics 2008.


The European Union Road Federation (ERF), the Brussels Programme Centre of the International Road Federation (IRF), is very proud to announce the release of the seventh edition of its publication on road transport data in Europe: the European Road Statistics 2008. Coming at a crucial time in the debate over the future of European road transport, the European Road Statistics 2008 offers a clear view in the world of road transport to allow policymakers, researchers and industry representatives to make informed decisions based on factual figures. This year’s edition is even more complete, analysing a number of new aspects like the penetration of ITS devices and with a keen eye on the environmental impact of road transport. The European Road Statistics 2008 builds its reputation on the enormous success of the previous editions of the publication, which have enabled it to attain considerable respect as a publication delivering factual data. Year on year, in fact, the ERF – IRF BPC has been able to collect and compute all the necessary parameters pertaining to the sector and presenting them in the characteristic user-friendly format represented by the European Road Statistics. This publication is the “must have” for all transport stakeholders, once more setting the mark with regards to the completeness of its analysis of the sector and its user-friendly presentation of the data.The ERF – IRF BPC is confident that the European Road Statistics 2008 will offer its readers all the necessary information on a sector which is of paramount importance in any country’s economy. (Author/publisher)

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C 51065 [electronic version only] /10 /15 /70 /81 /

Brussels, European Union Road Federation (ERF), 2008, 68 p.

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