Theory and measurement of visual mechanisms.

Crozier, W.J. & Wolf, E.

The relation between flash duration and mean critical intensity (white light) for threshold recognition of visual flicker, as a function of flash frequency, was investigated by means of measurements at five values of the light time fraction: 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.90, with flash frequencies of the interrupted beam ranging from 2 to 60 per second. A square area, 6.1 x 6.1 , centrally fixated, was viewed monocularly; the discriminometer used provides automatically an artificial pupil 1.8 mm. in diameter. Except for the slight day-to-day fluctuation in the magnitudes of the parameters, the data for the observer used are showed to form an essentially homogeneous group.

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Library number
A 3755 fo

Journal of General Physiology, Vol. 24 (1941), p. 635-654.

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