Scheiding van verkeerssoorten in Flevoland : criteria en prioriteitsstelling voor scheiding van langzame en snelle motorvoertuigen op secundaire wegen.

Michels, T. & Meijer, E.

On a main part of the road network in the province of Flevoland slow traffic and other traffic is not segregated. The mix of transport modes with different speeds causes problems for the traffic safety and traffic flow. Segregation of slow and fast motor vehicles by constructing parallel roads is perhaps a possibility. Research into the setting of priorities for such a segregation is presented.

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Library number
B 32291 [electronic version only] /21 /72 /82 /

Wageningen, Instituut voor Cultuurtechniek en Waterhuishouding ICW, 1989, 24 p., 5 ref.; ICW Rapport ; No. 43

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