Evaluatie van drie ontwerpen voor het RVV model 57c aanduiding woonerf.

Riemersma, J.B.J.

On behalf of the Road Safety Directorate, the comprehensibility was investigated of three types of a traffic sign for denoting so called 'protected residential areas' ('woonerven'). Three types of experiments were used : a matching technique, a structured interview and a learning experiment. The results of these three different experiments converge, and allow the following conclusions : whatever sign is chosen, it should be supplemented by the verbal legend 'woonerf'. In educating the public on this new sign, it seems necessary to state explicitly all the general rules of this kind of zone-bounded traffic regulation.

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Library number
B 10526 S

Soesterberg, Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie IZF TNO, 1976, 14 p. + bijl., 3 ref.; Rapport No. IZF-1976-C 11

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