Wrong-way driving incidents on limited access divided highways.

Gay, C.V.

A study of wrong-way driving incidents during the first nine months of 1962 is reported utilizing accident data recorded by the California Highway Patrol. The study is based on 500 wrong way incidents which are examined according to: driving conditions; age and sex of wrong-way drivers; sobriety and mental condition of drivers; careless drivers; deliberate drivers; confused drivers; type of manoeuvre causing the wrong way driving; and effect of ramp type on the frequency of incidents. Actions to reduce wrong way movements are suggested.

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5 + 14 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 17489 fo /82/83/

Sacramento, CA, California State Division of Highways, 1963, 32 p., fig., graph., tab.

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