A volume warrant for urban stop signs.

Raff, M.S. & Hart, J.W.

The purpose of this research has been to develop a volume-warrant for installing 2-way stop signs at urban intersections. The volume warrant has been based on the percentage of side-street cars that meet interference from traffic on the main street. In applying the warriant to a specific intersection, only 3 quantities need to be measurePU: 1. the mainstreet volume, 2. the sidestreet volume, 3. the quantity called the critical lag, which is a constant for each particular intersection but varies form one intersection to another. In particular, a start has been made toward atheoretical explanation of the interaction between 2 intersecting streams of traffic, when both are distributed at random.

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8 + 0 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 484

ENO Foundation, 1950, 120 p.

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