Une enquête sur la sécurité routière et les plantations d'alignement.

Thedié, J.

The effect of trees along a road on the accident rate has been examined at different stretches of a suitable road in France. It was found that both with and without inclusion of accidents on junctions the accident rate increase where the distance of trees to the road side was less than 1 metre and decreases when there is a longer distance to the road as compared with unplanted sections. The percentage of road victims with light injuries was higher on stretches with trees as compared without trees; but for serious injuries the reverse was found.

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1 + 10 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 4156 fo /82.1/

Revue Générale des Routes et des Aérodromes, No. 335 (décembre 1959), p. 63-69, 2 fig., 1 graph., 2 tab.

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