Understanding traffic control devices.

Cairney, P.T.

The present study attempted to identify the problems Australian drivers experience with the traffic control device (TCD) system. The background to the development of road sign systems is described, and Australian research in this area is briefly reviewed. To better understand what users' difficulties might be, an analysis of crashes at different types of TCD was undertaken, existing surveys and other sources were reexamined, and a series of panel discussions was held. The results from these preliminary investigations aided the design of a comprehensive survey of drivers' understanding and opinions of the TCD system and associated road rules. Fifty metropolitan and non metropolitan clusters of six drivers each were selected in each of three States (Victoria, New South Wales (NSW) and South Australia (SA)) to ensure a sociodemographically representative sample, and quotas applied to each sample ensured an adequate number of young drivers and equal number of men and women respondents. There were considerable differences between States in the items which were poorly understood, and understanding of the system was more closely related to age than to current driving experience. Understanding of the symbolic component of regulatory signs was better than previous work suggested, although the understanding of the shape colour code for different types of signs was poorly understood. The meanings of combinations of signal arrows and through signals were well understood, but there was confusion over whether a green arrow was necessary before making turns. Many drivers still believe that the Give Way to the Right rule applies at T junctions, and there is considerable confusion as to where overtaking on the left is permitted (A). The ISBN of the microfiche version is 0-86910-372-5.

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C 46497 [electronic version only] /73 /80 / IRRD 822902

Vermont South, Vic., Australian Road Research Board ARRB, 1989, 68 p., 56 ref.; ARRB Special Report ; ASR 44 - ISSN 0572-144X / ISBN 0-86910-371-1

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