A study of accident hazard in relation to fenders and mudguards for motor vehicles.

Forbes, T.W.

With the cooperation of the Michigan State Police, a study of each accident occurring during one winter month and a study of all fatal accidents for two previous years were made. These two studies of accidents indicated that only about one in five or six hundred accidents might be in part caused by splash, throwing of mud, gravel or stones by other vehicles. It is especially significant that, among be very few accidents in which splash was involved, skidding from a faulty driver response was an even more important factor in the accident.

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1 + 15 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 14980 fo /82/91/

East Lansing, Michigan, Michigan State University, Highway Traffic Safety Center (HTSC), 1960, 11 p., + app., tab.

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