Prevention of wrong-way accidents on freeways.

Copelan, J.E.

Senate bill 233 (Davis 1987) required a current study on the wrong-way problem on freeways. This report discusses solutions developed over the years to prevent wrong-way driving by Caltrans, results of recent camera surveillance studies and the current annual wrong-way monitoring program. To determine if other states had developed any new solutions to the problem, traffic engineers from all the states were surveyed. The recommendations to prevent wrong-way accidents are in the areas of sign maintenance, annual accident monitoring using a check-list process, ramp and intersection design, and reducing drunk drivers. It also recommends the purchase of new still camera, video, or movie camera and detector equipment, and continuing the pavement light experiment in San Diego. (A)

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C 42432 /82 /83 /73 /

Sacramento, CA, California Department of Transportation, 1989, 95 p., 28 ref.; FHWA/CA-TE-89-2

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