Minimum stopping distance for linear control of an automatic car-following system.

Cho, M.Y. Lichtenberg, A.J. & Lieberman, M.A.

Linearized longitudinal dynamics of an automatic car-following system are analyzed to determine the minimum headway required to avoid collisions. The linear controller with multiple control factors that satisfies all of the system constraints and has a minimum stopping distance is given. The constraints are stability, no oscillations, and the control forces remaining within a specified physical limitation of the vehicle. Numerical results show that a linear controller that satisfies all of the system constraints requires a large headway in order to avoid collisions when subject to extreme initial conditions. The results indicate the need for a nonlinear controller if collisions are to be avoided with proposed small headways. (Author/publisher).

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C 51704 [electronic version only] /91/ IRRD 881623

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 45 (1996), No. 2 (May), p. 383-390, 9 ref.

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