The influence of time of observation on the visibility of stationary objects.

Balder, J.J. & Fortuin, G.J.

The values of the relevant factors which determine the visibility of a stationary object to a test-subject have been measured for threshold situations bordering between visibility and invisibility of the test-object. In this way the visual power of test-subjects has been expressed in a threshold-relationship between the four factors D ( the size of the detail to be distinguished ) , C ( the luminance contrast between the object and its surroundings) B ( the luminance of the field of view) and t ( the time during which the object is exposed to view). The objects used were Landolt rings, darker than the surroundings.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 3800 fo

Proceedings International Commission on Illumination, Zurich 1955, 13 p., foto's.

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