Head injury in automobile accidents related to seated position and age.

Kihlberg, J.K. & Gensler, H.K.

This report provides an inventory of data on head injury among 71,445 occupants in 33,831 automobiles involved in rural injury accidents, assembled by the Automotive Crash Injury Research Program of the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory through the years 1953-1965. Tables and graphs give crude and summary data on frequency of injury in general and of head injury in automobile accidents, relative frequency of various sources, severities, and nature categories of head injury, and frequencies of various head traumata. (A)

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C 8834 [electronic version only] /84 /

Buffalo, NY, Cornell University, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory CAL, 1967, V + 73 p.; Automotive crash injury research; CAL Report ; No. VJ-1823-R26

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