Head impact response comparisons of human surrogates.

Nusholtz, G.S. Melvin, J.W. & Alem, N.M.

The response of the head to impact in the posterior-to-anterior direction was investigated with live anaesthetized and post-mortem primates. The purpose of the project was to relate animal test results to previous head impact tests conducted with cadavers (reported at the 21st STAPP car crash conference) and to study the differences between the living and post-mortem state in terms of mechanical response. The three-dimensional motion of the head, during and after impact, was derived from experimental measurements and expressed as kinematic quantities in various reference frames. Comparison of kinematic quantities between subjects is normally done by referring the results to a standard anatomical reference frame, or to a predefined laboratory reference frame. This paper uses an additional method for describing the kinematics of head motion through the use of frenet-serret frame fields. The results of the tests are presented to demonstrate the similarities and differences found between animal and human cadaver subjects and between living and post-mortem subjects. The covering abstract for the proceedings is IRRD abstract no 254690.

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C 51429 (In: B 16296 [electronic version only]) /84 / IRRD 254780

In: Proceedings of the 23rd Stapp Car Crash Conference, San Diego, October 17-19, 1979, SAE Technical Paper 791020, p. 499-541, 15 ref.

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