Handbook of adolescent psychology

Lerner, R.M.; Steinberg, L. (eds.)

This edition of the Handbook of Adolescent Psychology is concerned with all aspects of development during the second decade of life, with all the contexts in which this development takes place and with a wide array of social implications and applications of the scientific knowledge gained through empirical research. This edition is divided into three broad sections: foundations of adolescent development, the contexts of adolescent development, and special challenges and opportunities that arise at adolescence. These sections are preceded by a foreword (by William Damon) and followed by an afterword (by Beatrix and David Hamburg), which locate the Handbook's contribution within the history of the field of adolescent development. The first section of the Handbook examines the foundations of the scientific study of individual development in adolescence. The second section focuses on the immediate and broader contexts in which adolescent development takes place. The final section of the Handbook examines a variety of challenges and opportunities that can threaten or facilitate healthy development in adolescence and explores the ways in which maladaptive as well as positive trajectories of youth development unfold.

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8 + 9 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.
XI + 852 p.
20220270 ST [electronic version only]

2nd edition

Gepubliceerd door
John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA

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