Fahrtrichtungshaltung und Fahrstabilität von vierrädrigen Kraftfahrzeugen.

Mitschke, M.

The adherence to the line of travel, which, in addition to many other factors, is decisive for the running safety of a motor vehicle, is described more precisely. The available publications are combined and extended; further, examples in figures are calculated in order to illustrate the influence exerted by various constructional data. Some of the normally not generally known data concerning motor vehicles are summarized in tables. Front wheel, rear wheel and all-wheel steering systems and further, the stability of travel and the deviations from the line of travel which arise as a result of side winds, whilst the steering wheel is firmly held, as well as the interconnection of these two last factors are examined in detail.

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B 15642 fo / 91 /

Düsseldorf, VDI Verlag GmbH, 1960, 28 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; Deutsche Kraftfahrtforschung und Strassenverkehrstechnik ; Heft 135

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