Eist het verkeer meer slachtoffers dan uit de statistieken blijkt?

Aarts, J.H.

Hospital records of road accident victims, injuries and casualties, were compared with police records of road accidents during a monthly period. The seriousness of injuries was estimated and classified. Two criteria were used: according police guidelines and the length of time unfit for labour. It was found that a high percentage of accidents (49%), even those involving serious injuries, were unknown to the police. These were mainly in the category of pedestrians and cyclists, but also mainly in the accidents caused by skidding.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 4157 fo /81/

Algemeen Politieblad, Vol. 107 (1958), No. 25 (6 december), p. 467-470

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