Development of the Bicycle Compatibility Index

Harkey, D.L.; Reinfurt, D.W.; Knuiman, M.

Presently, there is no methodology that is widely accepted by engineers, planners, or bicycle coordinators that will allow them to determine how compatible a roadway is for allowing efficient operation of both bicycles and motor vehicles. Determining how existing traffic operations and geometric conditions affect a bicyclist’s decision to use or not use a specific roadway is the first step in determining the bicycle compatibility of the roadway. The Federal Highway Administration sponsored a study in which a methodology for deriving a bicycle compatibility index was developed. This tool can be used by bicycle coordinators, transportation planners, traffic engineers, and others to evaluate the capability of specific roadways to accommodate both motorists and bicyclists. It is intended to provide practitioners with the ability to assess the bicycle level of service present on existing facilities or on proposed facilities and can be used for operational, design, and planning analyses.

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Transportation Research Record TRR
1636 (1)
20220344 ST [electronic version only]

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