A comparison between part 572 dummy and human subject in the problem of submarining.

Leung, Y.C. Tarriere, C. Fayon, A. Mairesse, P. Delmas, A. & Banzet, P.

Anthropometric data relative to the pelvis have been obtained from x-rays of volunteers and part 572 dummy, as well as pelvic bones of 28 human skeletons. Consequently, modifications in the pelvic portion of part 572 dummy are proposed. These are based on the study in the difference of tendency to submarining, the difference of the pelvic shape, and the abdominal flexibility between part 572 dummy and the human being. Some submarining parameters are discussed using the experimental results. A method for establishing the criteria of abdominal injuries caused by submarining is also described.(a) the covering abstract for the proceedings is IRRD abstract no 254690.

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C 51433 (In: B 16296 [electronic version only]) /84 / IRRD 254784

In: Proceedings of the 23rd Stapp Car Crash Conference, San Diego, October 17-19, 1979, SAE Technical Paper 791026, p. 677-719, 17 ref.

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