Breedbanden en zwaar verkeer : kosten-batenanalyse op hoofdlijnen.

Vos, E.

In recent decades, freight traffic has caused an increase in the traffic load, and this increase is expected to continue. This study addresses three factors that play a role. Firstly, the consequences of mounting wide tyres on the axles of drawn vehicles are described. These wide tyres, which are mounted singly, were introduced in the early 1980s to replace double-mounted 'conventional' tyres, cause more damage to the road. Based on available data, a general costs-benefits analysis has been carried out, including the extra costs for creating and maintaining the infrastructure, and to determine the financial advantages for the sector. In addition, an investigation was carried out to determine whether there was any positive effect on the problem of congestion. Secondly, the consequences of mounting wide tyres on the driven axles of trucks are outlined. Finally, possible future developments of the maximum permissible vehicle combination weight and its consequences for the infrastructure, transport economy and environment are described. (Author/publisher)


C 51079 [electronic version only] /22 /70 / IRRD 208523

Delft, Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Dienst Weg- en Waterbouwkunde DWW, 1996, 71 p., 26 ref.; P-DWW-96-058 - ISBN 90-369-3717-5

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