Biodynamics of the living human spine during -Gx impact acceleration.

Cheng, R. Mital, N.K. Levine, R.S. & King, A.I.

Spinal kinematics of the living human volunteers undergoing -gx impact acceleration are described along with the experimental procedures followed to acquire such data. There were 4 male and 3 female volunteers who were subjected to impacts in the tensed and relaxed mode from 2-8 g, in 1-g increments. Their lower extremities were tightly clamped to the impact seat and the pelvis was restrained by a lapbelt. The biodynamic response of the living spine is quite similar to that of the cadaveric spine, particularly in terms of tl displacement, acceleration at tl and flexural resistance. Female volunteers tend to withdraw from the test program at lower g-levels than males due to transient neck pain.(a) the covering abstract for the proceedings is IRRD abstract no 254690.

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C 51434 (In: B 16296 [electronic version only]) /84 / IRRD 254785

In: Proceedings of the 23rd Stapp Car Crash Conference, San Diego, October 17-19, 1979, SAE Technical Paper 791027, p. 723-763, 4 ref.

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