Automated detection and analysis of speed limit signs.

Javidi, B. Castro, M.-A. Kishk, S. & Perez, E.

Design of an on-board processor that enables recognition of a given road sign affected by different distortions is studied. The road sign recognition system is based on a nonlinear processor. Analysis of different filtering methods allows us to select the best techniques to overcome a variety of distortions. The proposed recognition system has been tested in real still images as well as in video sequences. Scenes were captured in real environments, with cluttered backgrounds and contain many distortions simultaneously. Recognition results for various images show that the processor is able to properly detect a given road sign even if it is varying in scale, slightly tilted or viewed under different angles. Recognition is also achieved when dealing with partially occluded road signs. In addition, the system is robust to illumination fluctuations. (Author/publisher)

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C 50591 [electronic version only] /73 /

Rocky Hill, CT, Connecticut Department of Transportation, 2002, VIII + 45 p., 27 ref.; JHR 02-285

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