Which risk groups can be distinguished among (light-)moped riders?


Within the group of (light-)moped riders who die in a road crash it is increasingly less easy to distinguish a risk group. Where before 2010 a relatively large proportion of casualties were younger than 20, the casualties are now spread over all ages (Figure 4). Until 2009, a very large proportion of the (light-)moped riders who were seriously injured in traffic were younger than 20. The present distribution is unknown.

Figure 4. Development in the distribution of ages among (light-)moped riders [i]. Source: LMR – DHD and BRON - IenM.

[i] From 2009, the underreporting of serious injury crashes has become too serious for reliable observations (see also SWOV Fact sheet Serious road injuries in the Netherlands).

Part of fact sheet

Moped and light-moped riders

Moped and light-moped riders are at relatively high risk of being a crash casualty.

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