What has been the effect of measures to counter tuning up vehicles?


The measures against tuning up (light) mopeds are twofold: actions from the trade associations and enforcement by the police.

Measures by the trade associations

In 2004, the Self-regulation Agreement Mopeds including Advertising Code was signed by RAI and BOVAG [14]. This way the sector made clear that they will no longer tune up (light) mopeds, that they will actively inform the customers about the legislation regarding tuning up, and they will not advertise tuning up sets. In addition it was agreed that (light) moped riders in commercials will always be shown safely in traffic (for example wearing a helmet). Various checks by the RAI Association in 2008 have resulted in some companies that violated the agreement being struck off as a member of the RAI Association or BOVAG [15]. No independent evaluation of the effects of this agreement has been made [16].

In the years ahead, RAI and BOVAG will conduct more active policy to counter tuning up mopeds [17]. In 2016, the section Scooters of the RAI Association urgently summoned its members by letter to explicitly discourage tuning up (light) mopeds and in no way to cooperate. BOVAG tightened the membership terms since 1-1-2016 with regard to cooperating in tuning up (light) mopeds. The coming years the BOVAG directors will make (membership fee) funds available to increase checks on tuning up (light) mopeds to be carried out by a mystery shopper appointed by BOVAG. Every year this mystery shopper will carry out inspections on the basis of signals from importers, consumers and other stakeholders. When hard evidence is found that member will dismissed from BOVAG membership. In addition BOVAG extends the "Tune it down" campaign. BOVAG will consult ANWB about setting up a joint action or a call on consumers to bring back the light moped to its original condition [17]. There is no information on the implementation or effectiveness of these plans.


In the past there have been various efforts to improve enforcement of tuning up (light) mopeds. For example, in 2011 and 2012, the measuring ranges for measuring equipment were evaluated and tightened. And since 2015, it is possible to use speed measuring devices such as radar and laser gun to determine whether a light moped is speeding (formerly this could only be done with a dynamometer test). This makes enforcement more effective. Compared with a check via the dynamometer, a check on the riding speed instead of the construction speed has the advantage that it is less labour intensive, can be done at more locations, and can change locations more rapidly hence making it less easy to dodge control.

However, no information is available on the impact of these enforcement measures. The Minister also had no answer as to the possible effects of police enforcement on countering tuning up (light) mopeds: ' to be able to make statements about the effectiveness of the measures, it is important to know how many people have been checked and/or how many hours of enforcement was conducted on the various measures. This data is lacking.’ [17].

Part of fact sheet

Moped and light-moped riders

Moped and light-moped riders are at relatively high risk of being a crash casualty.

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