Prognostic analysis of road safety in Poland

An update of Appendix I in 'Road safety in Poland', SWOV report R-94-58 (using data from 1953-1993), now based on data from 1953-1995 (incl.) and a partially improved methodology.
Koornstra, M.J.
In 1994, the development of traffic as measured by passenger cars and road safety as measured by road fatalities has been analysed on the basis of the data from 1953 to 1993 inclusive for Poland by SWOV, using models for traffic growth and risk development. That analyses tentatively resulted in alternative prognoses for passenger cars, fatality risk per 1,000 cars and fatalities. The data for 1994 and 1995 are now available; on the basis of these, the prognostic analysis is updated
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SWOV, Leidschendam


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