SaferAfrica Final Conference

On 18 September the European project SaferAfrica concluded its work with the conference 'Results and future perspectives for road safety in Africa' in Tunis, Tunisia. The project started 3 years ago. It successfully contributed to creating favourable conditions and opportunities for improving road safety and traffic management in African countries, among others by setting up a Dialogue Platform between Africa and Europe.

The SaferAfrica Conference 'Major Results and future perspectives for road safety on Africa' represented a forum for prominent stakeholders and international institutions representatives to discuss on how working together, starting from the SaferAfrica Legacy. “Our willingness should go in the direction of common work to make SaferAfrica approach live beyond the SaferAfrica Project itself”, the European Commission project officer William Bird said, while presenting the recently issued “Recommendations from the Africa-EU Task Force on Transport.

SWOV was responsible for Work Package 5 in which road safety management capacity reviews were applied in African countries. This resulted in the development of recommendations covering a wide range of road safety initiatives for including project opportunities for improving road design and vehicle standards in Africa.

The SaferAfrica website provides an overview of the project activities and access to all publications and deliverables. To find out more about the SaferAfrica Legacy and the future perspectives of the European-African cooperation on road safety, you can download the event press release (PDF).