SWOV fact sheet 'Young drivers' updated

In 2009-2018, an annual average of 51 young drivers and passengers (aged 18-24) were killed in traffic. This can be read in the updated SWOV fact sheet 'Young drivers'.

For young drivers, crash risk is 4,5 times higher than for more experienced drivers. Crash risk is highest during the first year after acquisition of the driving licence, and subsequently decreases fast as young drivers gain more experience.

In 2015-2019, an annual average of 92 road deaths were registered due to crashes involving young drivers (aged 18-24). Relatively often, young male drivers were involved. Young drivers are relatively more often involved in crashes that occur under unfavourable conditions (e.g. in the dark, and in rain or snow), and in weekend nights. Crash risk increases when young people drive under the influence of alcohol or when they are distracted by phone use or by young passengers.

Read the updated SWOV fact sheet 'Young drivers' »